Portugal 2020
29. May. 2024
Project designation | AILS_Aspöck Innovative Lighting Solutions
Project code | POCI-01-0249-FEDER-181163
Main goal | Strengthening Research, Technological Development, and Innovation
Intervention region | Norte
Project sponsor| ASPÖCK PORTUGAL, S.A.
Certification date: 2021-12-30
Start: 2021-10-01
End: 2023-06-30
Total eligible costs | 7,126,641.10 EUR
EU financial support | FEDER: 1,068,996.17 EUR
Investment Executed: 4.746.971,10 EUR
Investment not Executed: 2.379.670,00 EUR
The aim of the project is to increase Aspöck’s existing production capacity by investing in state-of-the-art equipment and technology. It promotes the industrialisation of new products with high technological complexity, thus strengthening the company’s presence in international markets.
The project provides for the acquisition of new production equipment and advanced technological solutions in line with Industry 4.0. This will make it possible to increase the current production capacity and drive the industrialisation of new, highly differentiated products in an international context.
The Aspöck unit currently produces lighting systems for about 2 million cars per year, a figure that will rise to 3 million per year once the project is completed. On top of that, this investment will bring a significant increase in efficiency and enable the production of new solutions that will allow for differentiation.
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