21. Jul. 2020
From the beginning, our company objective has always been safety through visibility. The latest cooperation of Aspöck Systems permits a field of vision analysis using the EMM-Check® software solution – on construction or agricultural vehicles, for example – at an early stage of development, during construction and design.
The aim is to simulate the best-possible visibility conditions for future vehicle drivers in their working environments in advance, before the commercial vehicle goes into production. The EMM-Check® plays a major role in the avoidance of accidents during later operation of the vehicle.
Within the scope of the agreed collaboration, our products will step-wise be integrated in EMM-Check®. For Aspöck customers, the EMM-Check® represents a development tool and a sound basis for the optimised integration of our lighting systems into the respective commercial vehicle. We are looking forward to a successful collaboration.
"The collaboration with Aspöck Systems underlines our objective of further establishing EMM-Check® as the international standard software for the field of vision analysis of virtual commercial vehicles through the simulation of visibility aids such as mirrors, camera monitor systems, radar sensors and working headlights”, say the Managing Directors, Sebastian Schneider and Dirk Janßen.